正面的说明书 Tête radiée de Trajan à droite (O).
正面的翻译 "Divo Traiano", (Au Divin Trajan).
背面的说明书 Une offrande brûlant sur un autel rectangulaire à caissons.
背面的翻译 "Consecratio", (Consécration).
DIVI consecration of TRAJANUS DECIUS
In the course of the year 251, Trajan Decius proceeds to the issuance of Antoninianus restoring the good emperors of the two previous centuries. He had a general overhaul of the previous deniers which had not been minted since the reign of Philippe, apart from very rare donativa issues. It sometimes happens to meet antoniniens overstruck on funds from Trajan to Marc Aurèle. The list of restored emperors includes: Augustus, Vespasian, Titus and Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Septimius Severus and Alexander Severus. Neither Tiberius nor Claudius appear in the list of good emperors. If it is normal not to find Caligula, Nero or Caracalla there, the presence of Commodus is more surprising, the rehabilitation of Septimius Severus having prevailed over the "Damnatio Memoriæ".