正面的说明书 Tête imberbe d’Héraklès à droite, coiffé de la léonté.
背面的说明书 Taras nu dans un bige galopant à droite, tenant les rênes de la main droite et un trident de la main gauche.
背面的翻译 (des Tarentins).
(281-272 BC)
Pyrrhus strategos, King of Epirus
Following the arrival of Pyrrhus in Italy, in 281 BC, the consul L. Aemilius Barbula devastated the territory of the Tarentines after the destruction of a Roman squadron in the Gulf of Taranto. Pyrrhus, thanks to his elephants and to everyone's surprise, won the indecisive battle of Heraclea in 279 BC, hence the expression "Pyrrhian-style victory" which is equivalent to a victory which leaves the winner so exhausted that a defeat would not have weakened him more. After the victory at Ascoli in 279 BC, Pyrrhus failed to secure a decisive victory over the Romans, became angry with his Greek and Syracusan allies, and was finally defeated at Benevento in 275 BC. C. He retired to Epirus, where he was eventually assassinated. After the departure of Pyrrhus, Taranto submitted to Rome. In 272 BC, Taranto surrendered, after a long siege, to the consul Lucius Papirius Cursor.