正面的文字 IC-XC.
正面的说明书 Buste du Christ de face.
背面的说明书 Alexis III debout de face avec Saint Constantin.
背面铭文 ALESIw Tw KoMNHNw
(8/04/1195 - 17/07/1203)
After the long reign of Manuel I Komnenus (1143-1180), events accelerated. Mary of Antioch, Manuel's wife, the mother of Alexius II Comnenus (1180-1183) was finally eliminated with her offspring and replaced by a cousin of Manuel, Andronicus I Comnenus (1183-1185) who was finally killed by the crowd on September 12, 1185. Isaac Comnenus (1184-1191) had revolted against his cousin Andronicus and seized Cyprus. He was dislodged by Richard Coeur de Lion in 1191 during the third crusade.. Isaac II Ange ascended the throne in 1185, descended from the youngest daughter of Alexis I, but the Byzantine Empire is in full decay in the face of internal and external dangers and finally the emperor is deposed, blinded and replaced by his brother eldest, Alexis III Ange-Comnenus who ascended the throne on April 8, 1195. Byzantium is threatened from all sides. The Bulgarian Empire breaks free from Byzantine rule. Only the death of the Emperor of the Holy Empire, Henry VI in 1197 prevents the Germanic invasion. The Venetian ally, ends up abandoning its protector and the Fourth Crusade of its initial goal, the recovery of the Holy Places. On July 17, 1203, Constantinople capitulated and the Crusader troops seized the capital while Alexis III fled. Isaac II Ange is restored and his son Alexis IV Ange is associated with him on July 18, 1203. They are assassinated as well as the Crusader troops on January 28, 1204. Alexis V Ducas is proclaimed on February 5, 1204. Constantinople is taken and sacked on April 12, 1204.