lc176 - The Coinage of the Bombay Presidency - A study of the records of the EIC STEVENS Paul, WEIR Randy
70.00 €约 550.20 CNY

作者 STEVENS Paul, WEIR Randy
出版者 Spink
语言 Anglais
描述细节 Londres 2019, sous reliure cartonnée, (19,5 x 25 cm), 376 pages, cotes en dollars
重量 1310 g.
The Coinage of the Bombay Presidency: A study of the Records of the EIC is a companion volume to Dr Stevens’ widely acclaimed catalogue of the Presidency Series of Coins of the East India Company, which won the IAPN Book Prize. The book contains numerous extracts from the records, relating them to the known coins and showing why and when they were issued. It also contains much information about the working of the mint and the people who undertook that work.
The Coinage of the Bombay Presidency will be of interest, not only to numismatists, bit also historians interested in the development of multinational companies and working practices.
The Coinage of the Bombay Presidency will be of interest, not only to numismatists, bit also historians interested in the development of multinational companies and working practices.