lm349 - Le monete etrusche e le invenzioni dei secoli XIX e XX BANI Stefano
80.00 €约 631.20 CNY

作者 BANI Stefano
出版者 Edizioni d'Andrea
语言 Italien
描述细节 Roseto di Abruzzi 2024, relié, (21,5 x 30,5 cm), 134 pages en couleur
重量 950 g.
The book contains 275 different types of Etruscan coins, as well as an appendix with some specimens that the author indicates as inventions of the second half of the 19th century. The photos are almost all in colour, as the author has collaborated with leading Italian and foreign museums in order to produce a comprehensive work, with both the oldest
ancient cast series, as well as those minted in the last years of independence of the Etruscan world.
ancient cast series, as well as those minted in the last years of independence of the Etruscan world.