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Roman Imperial Coinage (R.I.C.), volume V.4 : The Gallic Empire MAIRAT Jérôme
185.00 €

The Roman imperial coinage - the standard catalogue of Roman imperial coins, I,
Auguste à Vitellius (31 av. J-C - 69 ap. J-C) SUTHERLAND C. H. V.
180.00 €

The Roman Imperial Coinage - the standard catalogue of Roman imperial coins, 10, the divided Empire and the fall of the Western parts (395-491) KENT J. P. C.
235.00 €

The Roman Imperial coinage - the standard catalogue of Roman imperial coins, 8,
La famille de Constantin Ier (337-364) KENT J. P. C.
180.00 €

The Roman imperial coinage - the standard catalogue of Roman Imperial Coins, II-1, "The Flaviens" Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69 to AD 96) CARRADICE I.A. et BUTTREY T.V.
120.00 €